Wednesday, August 31, 2016

On this first day for Grades 1-3, it was wonderful to see the school almost full! As I visited classrooms this morning, they were full of happy students who were ready to learn and excited to be back. We are so happy that our kindergarteners arrive tomorrow to make the school complete.

We had two Kindergarten Orientation sessions today during which families and students had the opportunity to visit classrooms, meet some new friends and learn about kindergarten and the school.  A big thank you to Board Chairperson Eric Steinhilber, School Nurse Anne-Marie Melley, Adjustment Counselors Krista Swanson and Joanie Hogan, Day Care Coordinators Rose Rogan and Terry Corbett, bus driver Brenda and ASP Coach BethAnn Allen for making the parent information portion so meaningful for all.  I want to send very special thanks to our kindergarten teachers and assistants as well for making this a very special day for our newest students and their families.

I would like to also send a big shout out to our custodians who worked tirelessly this summer to have the school in such wonderful shape for the school opening.

A gentle reminder that all students, except bus students, enter the building through the side door by car drop off or by the door near the Hyannis Youth Community Center. Please make sure to say good-bye at the door as students move on to their classrooms. Any adult may enter the building by coming through the front door and signing in to the school. Only bus students enter through the front door.  This is for the safety and security of all students and staff. I thank you in advance for your understanding and support on this important safety and security protocol.

Thank you to all of you for the warm welcome I have had since I arrived in July. I look forward to working with all of you throughout the year.

Kind regards,

Dr. Sheila Kukstis