Thursday, January 31, 2019

Welcome February

As we look at the start of February we are also looking at some pretty cold weather. Please remember to dress your child in weather appropriate clothing. This means a winter coat, hats and mittens for this cold weather. When the temperatures dip below 50 degrees, a sweatshirt alone is not enough for children who are out at recess. If we can help with a new winter coat, please contact either Mrs. Melley or me (Dr. Kukstis) and we will provide a new coat.

At the same time, our lost and found is overflowing! Below is a picture of some of the items that have been abandoned and are now in lost and found. PLEASE take a moment to visit lost and found and claim any of your child's items.

At this time of the year we have many students who have signs of colds, coughs, the flu and other illnesses. Many times our school nurse, Mrs. Melley,  is asked, "When do I keep my child home from school?"

Here is helpful information from  Mrs. Melley:

Please keep your child home from school if he/she has:
  • Temperature of 99.9 or higher.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours.
  • Fever of unknown origin that causes chills, sweating or muscle aches.
  • Strep infections of any kind, ringworm, conjunctivitis, or impetigo. These are all contagious infections and must be treated with medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • Rash of unknown origin-this may indicate many different things and should be checked by a doctor.
  • Pain such as earaches, toothaches, and headaches should be taken seriously and need evaluation by a doctor.

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